
INCA Conference 2021 - Scaling up: Creating the Gigabit Future

Solihull, Birmingham
The National Motorcycle Museum
03/11 - 04/11/2021

About the event

INCA Conference 2021

From the INCA website -


The Conference runs over two days. The first day (Weds Nov 3) features a full-day programme focussing on "Tech & Ops" – the tools and technologies that we use to design, build and operate state of the art fibre and wireless networks. This is a very popular element of our programme judging from previous conferences.

Also on the first day we'll be running two other sessions – one will focus on the investment community, while the second is focussed on the BDUK Project Gigabit programme.

The programme for the second day of the Conference is almost complete, and features keynotes from leading voices in our industry, lively panel discussions, and breakout workshops focussing on a range of key topics. Keynote speakers already confirmed include Lindsey Fussell, Group Director for Networks and Communications at Ofcom, and Imran Shafi, the recently appointed Director of Digital Infrastructure at DCMS. 

We are particularly keen this year to welcome the many new companies building and running fibre and fixed wireless networks, to celebrate their energy and their successes in raising funding for their build plans.

You can be certain of a highly informative and valuable two days that will bring you right up to speed, give you the insights you need to take your organisation forward, and the opportunity to build the business relationships you want.

View the full conference programme in detail here


INCA Awards Dinner:

On the evening of the 3rd we'll be hosting our 'INCA Golds' Awards Dinner. This is the glittering culmination of our Awards Programme for 2021, where we've invited members to nominate the people and organisations who have gone the extra mile. By the time of the Awards Dinner our eminent judges will have taken their decisions, and the excited shortlisted candidates will be waiting to find out if they are going to be taking home one of the highly prized and extremely rare 'INCA Golds'. Not to be missed.

Click here to register

Location of INCA Conference 2021

The National Motorcycle Museum
Coventry Road
B92 0EJ
United Kingdom


Map location: