
Fibre Facade Enclosure (FFE) 12 Drops

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New Fibre Facade Enclosure (FFE) 12 Way from HellermannTyton

Flexibility with the Fibre Facade Enclosure (FFE)

The Fibre Facade Enclosure (FFE) provides a cost effective secure solution for installing pre-terminated drop cables in Fibre to the Home (FTTH) applications. The fibre enclosure has been designed to physically separate the feeder cable 250μm fibres, which will be spliced by a skilled technician at the initial install, from the pre-terminated connectorised drop cables which may be installed at a later date and are likely to be completed by a lower skilled installer. It can be mounted aerially or at ground level to deliver up to 12 drop cable customer connections.

The Fibre Facade Enclosure is an IP55/IK09 rated enclosure manufactured from UV stabilised polymer. Features are included to provide for mounting on a pole or building facade. The fibre enclosure is supplied in black or grey as standard (other colours are available MOQ dependent) and has provision for a moulded customer logo if required. The enclosure consists of 3 separate fibre management areas:

  • Inbound Cable Management
  • Fibre Splice Management Area
  • Drop Cable Management

Features and Benefits

Features and Benefits of the FFE
  • Separation of spliced feeder cable from connectorised drop cables
  • 12 LC or SC customer connections
  • Accommodates 1 x Mid-Span and 2 Spur Cables
  • 12 outbound ports
  • Positive fibre management (30mm min bend radius)
  • IP55 and IK09 rating
  • Tamper-proof
  • Pole or building facade mounting features
  • Low profile
  • Range of colours

Video of features and benefits

Fibre Facade Enclosure 12 Way