
Modular Angled 1U 24 Port Panel

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Modular Angled 1U 24 Port Panel

Modular Angled 1U 24 Port Panel

The HTC Series Modular patch panel from HellermannTyton is a 1U panel that presents 24 keystone jacks at an angle. The panel can be used in a shielded or unshielded system and accepts the HTC Series CAT6A tool-free jack and the GST CAT6 UTP jack.

The panel has been designed with 12 ports dressed to the left and 12 ports dressed to the right. The angled presentation allows patch leads to be routed out to the side management within the cabinet, reducing the need to use additional cable managers and maximising rack space and port density. The angled ports also protects the patch lead cables providing optimum bend radii for high performance.

Features and Benefits

Features and Benefits of the Modular Angled 1U 24 Port Panel
  • 1U 24 port 19” rack mountable 
  • Flat modular format with angled keystone presentation 
  • 24 ports divided left and right to support cable dressing 
  • Reduces the need for 19” cable management bars 
  • Directs patch leads to cabinet vertical managers 
  • Increases cabinet port density 
  • Can be used for Shielded and Unshielded applications 
  • Supplied with mounting fixings & earth wire 
  • Compatible rear management bar available
  • Plastic free packaging
  • Compatible for shielded and unshielded jacks

Video of features and benefits

The Flat Angled Panel